The twins are here!  Welcome Gabriel & Michael!!!
On October 12, 2001, Frank and I welcomed Gabriel & Michael into our lives.  Gabriel Lee was born first at 12:27 pm and Michael Anthony was next at 12:33 pm.  Both boys are healthy and perfect.  For more details, visit the twins' page.  Christian is slowly adjusting to being a big brother.  My in-laws are here to help out.  I don't know what I'd do without them.  Flo is great with the babies (including Christian) and takes care of us real good.  Frank Sr. is Christian's new best friend.  Wherever he is, Christian's not far behind. :)
So much is going on right now, I hardly know where to start!  Christian had his second birthday party today.  He had so much fun and really got some great gifts!  He didn't go to sleep until over 2 hours past his bedtime!  
I've been going to the OB all the time and everything is looking great with the twins.  As of September 5, the doctors have guessed the weights of the babies to be a little over 4 pounds each.  That means I'm carrying almost NINE pounds of baby!  
We have been packing up boxes and preparing for our move.  By this time next week, we should be almost completely moved into our new place.  As you can see in the birthday pictures, we have boxes piled to the walls!  
Christian started preschool yesterday!  He did great!  He goes twice a week, for three hours a day.  My mom will take him to and from school.  He looked so scared when he got in my mom's car.  Smart boy!  :)
I had a baby shower Thursday night and it was great!  Thanks to everyone who came and made it a great day!
We found an apartment!!!  We will get the key on the 15th of September but will be very busy in the meantime packing up boxes and preparing for the move.  What a relief!  As soon as we are in, I will post pictures of our new place for all to admire.
I went to the doctor today and all is well with the babies.  I have to go have more bloodwork done next week.  Christian is learning his colors and shapes and even tries to count!  He think s the twins live in my navel and will kiss it and rub it while saying "baby".
We've been house-hunting like crazy!  We've found a few that we would like to have but time will tell if we get them or not.  We've put an application in on one house and are waiting to see if we have been accepted.
Frank's friend, Pete, has a lead on a house that we would like to live in too.  I sure hope we find something soon!
I went to have another ultrasound today.  The doctor said that the babies look really good!  Both of them are larger than he expected them to be.  Right now, they estimate that they weigh about 3 pounds each. Once they reach 5 pounds, they will be in excellent shape but if born now, they would survive just fine.